
The Christmas Pantomime Ch9

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About an hour later, the two teenagers were laying on gilberts bedroom floor, abandoned pizza boxes and coke bottles surrounding them both. Gil was just glad that Matthew was smiling again, trying not to gaze at him quite so much as he told him about all honesty Matthew could be reading him the dictionary and the German would still think it was awesome.

"Gil...why is your bedroom in the basement? Doesn't it get cold down here?" Matthew asked, looking around him with mild interest

The other had been waiting for that question, grinning a little as he explained: "well, Vati got sick of all the noise I was making, and Luddy got sick of sharing a room. So my Awesome self got moved down here! And I can be as loud as I like, cos there's two floors between me and the others. And yeah, it gets cold..." gilbert shrugged, "but I guess that's why blankets were invented right?"

Matthew nodded, looking up at the small window in the ceiling "I guess so...and it makes sense..." he smiled "It suits you"

"Suits me?" gilbert cocked his head, grinning still: "cos it's awesome?"

Matthew laughed lightly "Yeah...exactly" he blushed as he leant against Gilbert's bed "Thanks for this...I really needed it"

"Well, its am awesome distraction from being bored and lonely and single!" Gilbert sat up, shifting to sit beside the other: "you got a girlfriend, birdie?"

Matthew shook his head "No...I doubt I ever will" he looked up at Gil "Surely you must have had girls before though?"

"Well..." the albino lent back a little, frowning as he thought: "a few, when I started high school...but I guess the only girl I've ever been serious about was Elizabeta..."

"Elizabeta?" Matthew frowned, trying to think about the few girls he knew "The brown-haired girl dating Roderich?"

Gilbert seemed to physically freeze at that, frowning hard as he spoke: "yeah. That's her... She chose that snob over my awesome self; I didn't even know Roddy was courting her. Wouldn't have been that bothered if someone had told me what was going on."

"Ouch." Matthew said with a wince "You still love her?" Damn. He knew it. The hot ones were always straight.

"Love her?" gilbert laughed: "hell no! My awesome self wouldn't have a crush on someone that knocked him out with a frying pan...and I guess after that I just joined in with Francis and Antonio's logic, women are a waste of effort so screw hot guys!"

"R-really?" Matthew looked up with a bit more hope in his eyes...even though he had no idea what to do with that information now he had it. He would have to ask Feliks for advice "Well...I certainly get that..."

The German smiled back at him, leaning sideways a little so he was resting against Matthew's shoulder: "must make you awesome like me! Kesesesese!"

Matthew blushed, resting his head on Gilbert's "Uh huh, awesome..." he smiled, trying to ignore the voices in the back of his head "I'm honoured"

Gilbert just laughed in reply, a pleasant silence settling between to two teenagers as they stayed that close. Not really wanting to move but knowing he was going to do something stupid if he didn't, gilbert shifted, bounding to his feet and stretching a little: "hey, birdie...wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure" Matthew replied with a small smile, stretching and getting onto the bed into a better position "What have you got?"

"uh..." gilbert wondered over to the cupboard where his TV was balanced: "porn...uh, it looks like I've got all the shit films still down here..." the albino picked up a handful, carrying them back over to the Canadian and dropping them on his lap.

"Why do you have so many love films?" Matthew asked, picking out one at random and looking at the back

"Because..." ah. Crap. What the hell was he going to say to explain this one? Uh... "Feli keeps leaving them here and there was nothing else to watch." he shrugged, trying to seem like it didn't interest him.

"Feli comes down here?" Matthew asked before shrugging and handing over one "Well, this looks decent"

"Nah, I stole them from upstairs..." gilbert glanced down at the one Matthew had given him, biting his lip: "except this, which Francis gave my awesome self because apparently I don't know what love is..."

Matthew shrugged as Gilbert put it in, apprehensive if it was Francis' choice. He loved his cousin, but he scared him sometimes...

"You look worried!" gilbert laughed, collapsing down onto the bed and gathering up the pillows, sticking them behind his back and head, resting on them and stretching his legs out: "you won't see anything from other there. Come 'ere birdie..."

Matthew sighed and shuffled backwards to sit in between Gilbert's legs "Why birdie?" he suddenly asked "I'm not that birdlike am I?"

Gilbert paused, thinking: "Naw, I guess it just suited you..." he shifted, surreptitiously wrapping his arms around the others hips as the film started.

Matthew noticed but didn't protest as he leant back against Gilbert, barely watching the film to pay attention to the albino's touch

The German teenager just smiled, shifting so he was comfy behind the other and nuzzling into his hair. They'd been there about half an hour now, and for once, gilbert didn't need to hide in a million blankets to keep warm. Matthew blinked slowly, trying to pay attention and not fall asleep on Gilbert's chest...Although it felt so nice to have his hair stroked like that. Gilbert had been managing to control himself for a while, but, suddenly. And Gil wasn't quite sure what had made it come on or why! He shifted backwards in embarrassment, hiding in the Canadian's hair. Matthew frowned as he felt something prod him in the back " you have your phone in your pocket or something?"

"Uh..." the other shifted, desperately trying to think of something that would stop this embarrassing situation: "yeah, probably...why?"

"Can you move it? It's sticking into my back..." Matthew mumbled, shifting a little.

Gilbert shifted both hands down, concentrating hard on awful things, like homework, and his brother naked or his grandfather, because that had been one of the worst things he could have ever walked in on. Finally, he managed to sort it out, grabbing Matthew and snuggling back up with him, resting his head on the others shoulder. Matthew smiled, leaning back against him again, looking up at him hesitantly

Gilbert pretended to be concentrating on the film, and not letting his hands go and further down the Canadian's hips, biting his lip hard as he concentrated. Matthew bit his lip also and stared fixatedly at the screen as he felt the hands shift, running his own along Gilbert's legs. Matthews touch was like a trigger, gilbert wished it wasn't, wishing desperately that he could move away again, pressing his lips lightly and curiously to the Canadian's neck. Matthew blushed hard at the kiss and the...thing poking in his back again "Gil...that's not your phone is it?" he asked slowly, turning slightly to look up at him

"m-maybe not?" if gilbert could, he would be blushing right now.

Matthew was blushing enough for both of them as he gently ran a hand through Gilbert's hair, leaning forward. Without a second thought, or a chance to think what he was about to do though, Gilbert lent down, catching the others lips with a whimper of delight.

Neither of them really knew what had brought it on, but the Canadian boy didn't resist it, he almost seemed to melt into the albinos arms, kissing back awkwardly. Matthew had no idea what he was actually doing; he'd never been kissed before, especially not by another man! Eyes closing the two boys worked together, experimenting curiously as Gilbert wrapped his arms around Matthew. There was something sweet and almost innocent about it as they finally broke apart, desperate for breath but smiling at each other.

"Uh…" The albino just laughed a little, blinking at his partner: "Sorry? I-I guess I just…" Gilbert hated looking awkward, or feeling it to be honest.

Matthew smiled back: "I-its okay! I liked it!"

The albino's smile widened as they kept on looking at each other: "I-I just gotta.." He waved his hand, indicating something in the hope that Matthew understood. He seemed too, nodding at the German as he jumped up, running upstairs at double speed. The blonde waited until he was well out of sight, before grabbing his mobile and texting Feliks.

'He kissed me!'

The polish boy glanced down at his phone for a moment, grinning madly at the message before throwing the device aside. "And like, with that!" Feliks smiled, biting the thread before bouncing to his feet, holding up the dress: "it's like, totally finished and fabulous! What do you think Toris?"

Toris looked up from his writing at the dressmaker's dummy "Yeah, looks good" he smiled "Did you remember to make it big so you can take it in on him?"

"...uh..." the polish boy vanished for a moment, coming back with one of the many sheets of sizing and patterns littering the living room floor: "I did! Like, thanks for reminding me!" Feliks smiled, leaning over to kiss the others cheek, glancing down at the thing he was writing: "Toris~ what is that?"

Toris blushed and shut the book "Just...stuff for school, nothing important" he smiled and leant back to kiss the Polish boy on the mouth

Feliks wasn't quite expecting that, but tried to kiss back anyway, clambering onto the others lap as soon as he got chance. Straddling his legs he looked up at his partner: "am I a good kisser?"

Toris frowned in confusion but nodded, wrapping his arms around Feliks' waist "I think so. Why?"

"Well..." Feliks lent forwards a little, smiling as he finally had a chance to tell someone about what Matthew had told him! The polish boy completely loved his position as gossip queen. He knew all the good stuff: "Matthew and gilbert finally kissed, and Matthew said it was like, the most amazing kiss in the world and that gilbert is the best kisser and I just...just wondered what you thought about me..."

Toris sighed and smiled back, used to Feliks telling him about everything and anything. "I like you kissing me" he replied honestly, personally wondering how many people Matthew could've kissed to get to that conclusion "I think you're the best person I've kissed"

The polish boy giggled, before throwing himself back onto the other boy, eyes closed as he just made sure of that fact. Pulling away only when he really couldn't breathe "like, you totally totally sure about that?"

"Why would I lie?" he replied, holding the Polish boy loosely around the waist as he relaxed back, pulling Feliks down with him.

" you wouldn't dare lie to me, because I'd totally find out the truth!" the blonde was all too glad to be pulled down, snuggling up close to the other, almost laying on top of him in their awkward position: "Toris..." Feliks lent up to the others ear, whispering to him: "I love you~"

Toris blushed before answering "I love you too..." nuzzling into the blonde's shoulder length hair.

"I wanna go to bed!" Feliks whined after a while, feeling the cramp in his legs and arms start bothering him.

Toris bit back a laugh at Feliks position, nodding "'s getting late" he replied, helping Feliks untangle himself. He scooped the Polish boy up as he got off the bed "You shouldn't kneel on me like that, you'll hurt yourself"

"Uh...but if I don't I can't cuddle with you!" the blonde complained, curling his arms around the others neck to hold on tight "and I'm like, not gotta hurt myself! I'm flexible!"

Toris sighed and picked him up bridal style, carrying him through to Feliks' bedroom "You can cuddle, just be more careful about how you bend! You aren't that flexible"

Feliks just pouted up at him, refusing to let him go when he attempted to dump him on the bed. The polish boy was going to be clingy tonight; he'd missed having an excuse to do this. It had been weeks since they'd last been together.

"Feliks!" Toris protested, "I have to get undressed!"

"I'll do it!" the blonde giggled, slipping his hands under the back of the others t-shirt and trying to pull it upwards.

Toris froze but raised his arms, helping him off his shirt before pulling at Feliks' clothes. It didn't take long until the two were stripped down to their underwear and Feliks hands where exploring Toris body, eye closed as he kissed him. Toris kissed back before he froze at where Feliks hands had wandered, trying to fight the urge to roll away. The blonde stopped, feeling the other tense and kissing his lips one last time, hands darting up into Toris' messy hair. Toris bit his lips as they parted, shutting his eyes "Sorry..."

Feliks just smiled, kissing both of the others cheeks before leaning off the side of the bed, grabbing Toris' t-shirt from before and pulling it over his head. It was far too big, and looked like a dress! Toris smiled, looking up at the cute sight and pulling the covers over the two of them, curling up.

Somewhere at the other side of the District, Matthew was currently in the same position as Toris, Curled up in Gilberts arms as he yawned. The Albino was already fast asleep, breathing slowly but not relaxing his hold on the other boy. The blonde smiled to himself, despite agreeing with gilbert that he'd never mention the kiss again, and that it hadn't, yaknow, meant anything, it did to the Canadian.

Turning over in Gils arms, Matthew gazed him at his sleeping form, running his fingers over the albinos cheek. With a secret smile he lent forwards and kissed his lips lightly, Dammit.

Matthew Williams was falling in love.



Hope you liked it! Please read and leave a comment, we're sorry for letting this fic lag a bit!

We're considering making a youtube playlist of the songs we're gonna include in the panto (yes, we will be ficcing the panto itself) would anyone be interested? We're rewriting a few of them so we might record ourselves singing for some of them.

Thanks again to :iconameriiko: for co-authoring and beta-ing this!
© 2011 - 2024 mysteriousshamrock
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randomfandom22's avatar
Are you gonna continue this? You should! Its really great!